Toy Story Title Sequence

Title Sequences
Toy Story.

This title appeared after 0.5 seconds of the opening sequence.
It remained on the screen for three seconds and the faded out.
The first thing shown was the production company as they want everybody to know it is a Disney film.
The second title appeared after twenty one seconds.
It then faded out after four seconds.
The second title shown was the another producer to show off thus us their film.
The third title then appears after twenty-nine seconds.
It leaves the screen after four seconds, at 0:33.
These titles are now the executive producers. They do not have the whole screen to themselves like the original producers do, showing they are not as important.
The fourth title appears after third-six seconds.
It fades out after three seconds at 0:39.
The title shows the supervising technical director on their own, to show the director and to show off this film was his work.
The fifth title then emerges after forty seven seconds.
It then departs after three seconds, at 00:50
The title shows the music producer independently.

Lastly the sixth title arrived at fifty four seconds in. It lasted for four seconds until 00:58.

Overall, these titles show that this film shows the names of each producer or director for an equal amount of time. Although some of the names were shown together, the majority were independent on the screen.