Similar Film Analysis

22 Jump Street:
By watching this film opening, it has given our group some inspirational ideas of how to improve and base our film on.

Straight away the film gives an indication of who the main characters are in a short amount of time, this is very useful for people watching, because throughout the film they know who the main protagonists are. It gives a flashback to the last film, which shows their persona and the jobs they have to carry out, this gives an insight to what they're going to be doing in this comedy.

The Genre is evident from the start onwards, because you see the pair graduating to serve for the police, this shows they are professional, although they are very unorthodox and uncoordinated a lot of the time in different aspects. We understand the comedy aspect of the film very early, because the two are doing silly actions which the target audience would find very funny.

We understand that the setting is in America due to the flags waving in the background, also when they are studying it shows they are trying to graduate into the LAPD, which is a police force in the United States Of America

The themes in the opening are one of a school/college/university, which is being represented with the guy speaking behind the stand, showing they are going to be going back to the younger days. Also they are getting out their equipment, showing that there is going to be a lot of thrilling action in the rest of the film.

The Narrative in the opening is mostly the guy speaking in the lecture, this is the only complete speech in the opening, as the rest is a flashback to last film, where there is only small little bits of speech. The plot is going to be the two going back to education to do some secret under cover work, because there is danger coming out of it.  

Johnny English:

In this opening scene we instantly find out that Johnny English is the main character. Much of the first 4 minutes is focused just on him. However some of the other main characters we don't meet till a bit later on in the film. We learn the genre also very early on in the film. From the scene with the dogs we find out that its a spoof spy and comedy. Its not till a bit later on in the film where we find out more of the type of genre included in the film. Other genres such as parody, thriller and action film. From this film we learn not to judge a book by its cover. Johnny English gets it right by the end and complete the task they set out to do. Our plot is kind of the opposite, nothing Jordan does turns out to work. 

Austin Powers (The Spy who shagged me) opening scene
The film that is Austin Powers is very similar to our idea we are trying to carry out, so by observing this film and analysing the genre and narrative, it will be very useful for the rest of our task. It is essential we see camera techniques used, because we can take fantastic ideas for when we start the filming. It is a little bit different because ours is a bit more serious, although it is the same in the fact that the spy is a bit unnatural.

In this opening we are focused on one character (Austin Powers), so we really understand who the main character is, because the opening is devoted to him. We have other characters in the opening, but the shot mainly has Austin in the whole time. He is the only character that speaks, which shows the amount of importance he has in the opening few minutes, showing his authority.

For the start of the film the genre is evident, because there is a lot of humour used straight away, with different aspects of comedy used to entice the viewers. Throughout the opening you don't understand he is a spy, you understand that he is going to be a main character and be funny, although in the title it is obvious it's about a spy.

The setting is obvious in the opening to be a hotel, although it's not completely obvious where the rest of the film is going to be held.

Narrative is not used too much in the start, it is normally a few bits of speech, but not full sentences used to actually speak to one another. Right at the start Austin has a bit of narrative that sets the scene very well for the rest of the opening.

The themes for the rest of the film are obviously going to be one's of humour, with spy related content throughout, we understand from the theme used at the start he is a very outgoing guy, also very relaxed.