Film Opening Analysis

The Organ Player

The titles look very professional, it looks like its almost a professional film made by a paid crew and not some 16 year old students. Alongside the great titles the actors in it keep in character well and don't laugh or go off script so that's also very professional. I believe that Foley is used in parts of this film as the sound quality is brilliant, this alongside the very well worked editing creates a great film. However there are still things that they need to improve on the music playing in the background and some of the shots. 

The Visitor

In this film the camera work is amazing, its also a very good quality camera that gives a nice sharp picture.  The location they have filmed this at is very relevant to the genre. The voice over is very successful, it creates the right atmosphere wanted by the creators. There are many hidden codes carried out in this short clip, enigma codes such as who is the girl and why is she there? This is a perfect film opening as it doesn't give too much away. Many other films give way the whole story in the first two minutes. There are minimal points to improve on but I would say that the title needs to be shown at the beginning is a must and a person walking alone through a forest is quite cliché so it lack originality. 

                                            The Edge 

This is one of the AS Media film openings that I found and it is called 'The Edge'. First of all I think that this film opening is definitely a Level 4 and these are the reasons for this. One of the main things is that it is obvious the genre that it is from the action that is going on and also the chase sequence. This is then also very well matched with the music which gives it the correct atmosphere for the chase scene. The titles I think are in the correct order and they are used are made to look amazing and done really well by the effects. The titles also use the institutional conventions. As I said before the sound as in the music goes really well with what is going on and gives the correct atmosphere. One of the only negatives I can give is because of the sound  and this is because there is hardly any diegetic sound in this opening. I think if there was some diegetic sound it would give it a much better effect as to the location of where it is filmed.  Finally the shooting material they used was great. For example I didn't notice a poor shot in the opening or any bad camerawork. There was also a great variety of shots that was used throughout which made it less boring than if there was the same angles and shots throughout the whole thing. So overall this is very good film opening and I definitely think that this would be given a Level 4.

I have chosen this opening as one of my three to analyse, and score out of 60, because I loved the premise and the editing.
 I gave this film opening a Level 4 with a mark of 58.
This is because there is clear evidence of excellence from the outset and throughout this opening. From the opening shot I was aware that the genre was a horror/action film with the target audience being young adults because it has a rating of 15 meaning it is not for young children and you see a man tied up covered in blood. 
The titles are used appropriately as they flicker and move in jagged movements which is common of titles in horror films and they are an appropriate length so that they can be read but do not linger on screen and distract from the opening. 
The use of sound within this clip is to an excellent standard as well because all of the sounds are appropriately incorporated and work together to help create an eerie atmosphere. There are examples of synchronous sounds- the sound of the blood dripping and seeing it fall into the puddle below, the sound of the CCTV monitor cutting off and seeing the image disappear. There are also examples of music being used as there is atonal music used throughout that establishes the horror/action genre with its increasing volume. 
Controlled use of camera is clearly displayed here as the camera work is accurate and precise as well as varied with the use of close up shots, high angle and tracking shots. Not to mention the effortless transitions between shots and the excellent editing throughout. 

This film opening scores a 58 for me because there were elements of the narrative that I felt could have been improved. I did not understand the relevance of the women with the doll and why she had a doll in the first place so this was something that could have been improved. However, this film opening is extremely professional, well-executed and of an excellent standard. The titles in this opening are the one element that significantly needs improvement as they were not all in order with traditional institutional conventions. They began with the cast as appose to what production company and institution the film is associatThis film opening scores a 58 for me because there were elements of the narrative that I felt could have been improved. I did not understand the relevance of the women with the doll and why she had a doll in the first place so this was something that could have been improved. However, this film opening is extremely professional, well-executed and of an excellent standard. This is the second film opening I have decided to analyse as I found the titles creative and fitting of the genre as well as the plot line interesting and well thought through. I score this opening 51 marks out of 60 because it displays excellent understanding of genre conventions but lacks some varied shots.
The genre was clearly established by the symphonic music throughout it as well as the added scratch/popping noise in the background. The opening also displays appropriate material for the target audience of twenty-somethings who enjoy horror/thriller films. 
The moving and flickering titles that appear, and disappear rapidly, convey the horror genre and they also have an appropriate length on screen and are placed in order thus obeying institutional conventions. 
The sound throughout this clip is appropriate for the film's genre and adds to the suspense created by the visual. The camera work is good and steady but the opening could do with more varied shots and angles as you only see a few different shots throughout- shot/reverse shot etc. Also the mise-en-scene of the girl's bedroom is very detailed as you can see pictures of her and her friends on the walls making it seem like it is actually her bedroom. 
The editing throughout is well thought through and fluent and it aids the audience in understanding the film's storyline. The flashes between the famous women's pictures tell us a lot about the girl/killer's personality and why she does what she does. The title of the film 'Blink Murder' also appears on screen when we see the girl blink thus conveying to the audience the reason for the title. 

However, there are elements of this opening that could have been improved such as the use of more varied camera shots and more diegetic sound when the girl is opening the drawer and picking up the knife.
    Overall I give this film opening 51 marks, as it features effective titles and clearly establishes genre however, fails to deliver some diegetic sound and varied camera shots.

    This is the last of the three film openings I have chosen to analyse. I liked this opening because it was a different genre to the others I have seen and analysed. The genre is clearly shown to be a teenager/romantic film and overall I give this opening 48 marks out of 60.
    The material throughout this opening is relatively appropriate for its target audience as you can see that there is going to be a romance between these two young people which is fitting of a romantic film. However, there is swearing featured in this opening which suggests that this film's rating must be above a 15 as it is inappropriate for viewers below that age to watch due to explicit language.
    The titles in this opening are the one element that significantly needs improvement as they were not all in order with traditional institutional conventions. They began with the cast as appose to what production company and institution the film is associated with. The title 'in association with Film Four' should have appeared first as appose to at the end of the opening.
    The use of sound in this clip could have also done with improvement because the diegetic sound of the wind, at times, overpowers the dialogue and makes it difficult to hear. On the other hand, the diegetic sound of the skateboard is very effective in adding to the atmosphere and works well with visual. Good use of synchronous sound.
    The camera shots are steady, varied and the shot on board the skateboard is inventive, creative and well executed. The visual editing is impressive however the sound editing needs improving as the diegetic sound is too loud during the conversation scenes.
    Overall this film scores a 48 out of 60 because of its bad sound quality during the conversation scenes and its careless placement of the titles.
    this film opening scores a 58 for me because there were elements of the narrative that I felt could have been improved. I did not understand the relevance of the women with the doll and why she had a doll in the first place so this was something that could have been improved. However, this film opening is extremely professional, well-executed and of an excellent standard.