Evaluation for Group Film Pitch

After proposing our film opening idea to the rest of the class, we received feedback.
Some feedback from the class:

 Teacher feedback:

Overall looking at all the feedback we can get a brief outline of points we can improve on and points we have gained success from the audience with. It is beneficial that our class is part of the audience as we can get a real vibe of how our audience would react to the actual film.

Looking at the feedback, there are many good and bad points in which our audience pointed out with regards to our film opening idea. 

What is the genre? Is this clear?
From our pitch, we received many good points with regards to the genre. For example, many people believed the 'spy comedy' genre was evident which is good. However, through teacher feedback, they believed the genre 'spy comedy' could be a struggle with regards to it turning out to be a fail comedy film.
This leaves us with a improving point, to make the genre comedy completely evident through our film opening.

Who is the target audience and why would they pay to see it?
We received mixed reviews on the target audience we picked; many saying how it is more of a teenage audience film. This means we need to rethink our target audience or make it extremely evident within the film opening why it has a ranged audience; through adult and infant comedy points.

Does it introduce character and setting? What are they like?
Everyone believed our film had a clear character and setting basis. However, an improvement point comes from the teacher feedback where they stated we should change the female characters name to make it more funny rather than 'M'.

Does the mood and style fit?
Our feedback with regards to the mood and style is excellent with the audience believing the mood fits for the genre and target audience. On the other hand, we need to look at how difficult a parody would be to create.

Narrative interesting? Engima?
Our feedback with regards to the narrative and enigma; the feedback is mixed. Some of our audience have stated about making our enigma more evident and showing where it would lye within our film opening.

What films is it similar too?
All the films our film opening is similar too are evident; Johnny English, Spy and 21 Jump Street.

The teacher believes we should use a more low key production company to partner up with.

Improved Film Pitch