Question 4
As a group, we decided our film opening will be having a PG certificate as we agree it will attract a wide range of audiences. The film also included humour for all different audiences, not just children and not just adults. We believe a whole family could watch our film and they would be entertained. We also gained inspiration for our target audience group through the film 'Johnny English' which also has a PG certificate. The film 'Johnny English' has the closest storyline and genre to ours, and the fact it was a PG certificate inspired us further to secure a PG certificate on our film.
Our Primary Audience: Our primary audience would be the same as the audience from Johnny English as we have mostly the same context with the way it's a 'spoof' spy comedy. However, our primary audience wouldn't be an audience the same as a film like James Bond.
Our Secondary Audience: Our secondary audience would be the audience which watches James Bond films.