Question 3

Question 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

As a group, we decided if we was to actually publish and distribute out our film, we would have worked along side Universal Studios. We decided this after looking at a few films which lay with the same genre as ours; Johnny English and other spy comedies. Johnny English is one of the closest films to ours with content and with the storyline and it was produced by Universal Studios. With Johnny English being produced by Universal Studios, we decided it would be best to go with a film institution which would have good knowledge in producing a film like ours. We decided from the beginning we wanted to produce footage which would be seen as a mainstream film and would be featured in local cinemas around Europe and America. This contributed further to the choice of Universal Studios.
Universal Studios is also one of the Big Six which means people are well known to watch most of the Big Six's film which means working with this film institute may gain us a bigger audience.
With regards to distributing our film, we have decided to exhibit it in local cinemas as we don't want our film to be seen as a independent film. This is due to the amount of technology and expenses that has gone into our film opening, which wouldn't naturally be seen in an independent film. We decided we would distribute our film out with also hardback DVD as this will give the option to our audience who prefer watching films at home to be in their own comfort. We have decided we would exhibit our film into cinemas first, as we believe this will gain us the most money as if people watch it on their tv they won't come out to cinemas and promote our films to the general public. However, we will be creating a trailer which will be distributed onto tv and internet.
With regards to our own film institute, we have decided to go with 'Wild Productions'. The logo 'Wild Productions' contains a superior animal on it (a lion) which symbolises how our film is superior over others and how it is on top. The Big Six's film institute logos also have animals, nature and pictures of the world to state superiority as well which influenced us.
We chose to use the word 'Wild' in our film institution name as it can symbolise crazy, hectic but also impact. We feel our film has a lot of impact from showing a female being superior compared to the male. The film shows how times have changed and that in modern times genders are seen as equal.

Production companies are important because they are the ones who make, distribute and create the idea for a film. If we didn't use a production company, we wouldn't have team work put in place and someone could be over whelmed with work. Distributors are important as they are the people who get the film out there to the cinemas and who show the film off to people. If distributors weren't used in the making of our film, we wouldn't gain much audience and we wouldn't be able to publish out our film to cinemas, tv and the internet.