In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Film 1:
The New Kid On The Block
Jump Street 22:
Above shows 9 screenshots of the key parts of the film opening in which we had to include to meet the requirements of a real 'Spy Comedy' film.
In the first screenshot we see the title of the film 'The New Kid On The Block' being the first opening credit which straight away attracts the audience to the film with the bright and vibrant green font. We chose to have the font of 'The New Kid On The Block' as green as its a striking colour and is associated with spies and secret agents. The colour green symolises life and renewal, etc.
Life: how the secret agents are saving lives.
Renewal: Millie renewing her career as a spy.
In comparison we see the title of '22 Jump Street' open the first scene of the film with a big entrance due to the bold and out-standing font. '22 Jump Street' however, have the font colour red which symbolises danger, death, love,etc and blue which symbolises cold, water, etc. By them using these colours it shows the feelings and themes which are presented within the film:
Love: their job as graduated LAPD's (police force in the United States of America).
Danger: how the students at university were using drugs and the fighting that occured because of drug use.
Cold: the cold attitudes are shown between the two main characters from how they bicker.
In the second screenshot we see the settings being introduced to the audience through scenes.
In 'The New Kid On The Block', we see the main setting, Chelmsford Museum which is a grand and big location. It is introduced through the scene of Jordan walking to Millie after she recites that he needs to get to her now. In this shot we see a tracking shot of the front of Chelmsford Museum.
In comparison, in '22 Jump Street', we see the setting of a collage within one of the first scenes of the flashback to '21 Jump street'. Within this scene, we see one of the characters walking to another character along a collage corridor. We get a feel for the setting as we see props and icons; lockers, students, books, etc. The characters costumes also symoblise the setting as they are wearing casual clothing which you would see on students.
In the third screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the two main characters costumes fully. I chose this screenshot as this was the first scene where you fully see both the characters costumes including their shoe choice. The characters costumes symbolise the genre and are both appropriate for the audience.
Millie: Millie is wearing all black to symbolise what a real spy would wear as she is trying to camouflage into her surroundings. Her costumes also represents the time of day we filmed as we shot at night so she could camouflage outside so she could be undercover. Her outfit also symbolises how she is a successful and clever spy.
Jordan: Jordan is wearing bright clothing and is symboling the binary opposites within Millie and Jordans personalities and outfits. Jordans outfit represents how he is an amateur at being a spy and isnt awfully clever.
We have challenged '22 Jump Street', as we have portrayed differences between the two characters uniforms, whereas '22 Jump Street', the two characters have the same outfits.
In comparison, in '22 Jump Street', we see the two main characters wearing LAPD uniforms; symbolising how they are successful graduates to the United States of Americas police. This uniform symbolises superiority as they show a higher status than the average public in which they protect.
In the fourth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the editing skills within our team. We see the character Jordan aiming his gun upon one of the displays in Chelmsford Museum. For obvious purposes we could not film Jordan shooting the display as we had artificial guns but we used good editing skills to portray this action instead.
We compare our film to '22 Jump Street' as they use excellent sound effects within the opening scene. For example, within my nineth screenshot, they used non-digetic sound effects to show the noise of the fire.
In comparison, we see a scene in '22 Jump Street' showing the camera skills within the team which made the film. We see one of the main characters jumping into the air with quick movements. A good director is shown through how they captured accurately this jump without anything being unfocused.
In the fifth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing a suggestion of the genre. We get a suggestion for the genre as we see both main characters creeping around with slow movement holding guns in their hands for deference. By both the characters sneaking around we can tell the genre is spy as we would naturally see in a spy film featuring characters which sneak around and are trying to not direct attention from an audience. The guys also represent how they arent trying to attract an audience as they would shoot anyone who was trying to go against them or stop them doing their mission. This gives an indication for storyline as well as in 'The New Kid On The Block' an audience would be able to get a feel for how the characters are trying not to be seen so are probably on a mission. This is the same as in '22 Jump Street' as both characters are both on a mission too.
In comparison, we see a scene in '22 Jump Street' showing a suggestion of the genre. We get a suggestion for the genre as we see both characters directing guns around themselves. This gives an indication of genre as they are protecting themselves, suggesting they are police as that's what they would do within their job. This compares to 'The New Kid On The Block' as both scene from our film opening and '22 Jump Street' show guns which shows they are both about protecting themselves or others. This gives an indication for storyline as well as in '22 Jump Street' an audience would straight away be able to see the storyline could be about protecting themselves or other people.
In the sixth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the font and style of the opening credits. The font and style represents spy as it is vibrant green with Digital font which represents the font you would see come up on a technology screen to outline the mission to spies. We chose to have the font of the opening credits as green as its a striking colour and is associated with spies and secret agents. The colour green symolises life and renewal, etc.
Life: how the secret agents are saving lives.
Renewal: Millie renewing her career as a spy.
The font and colour of the opening credits is the same as the titles as we decided we didnt want to confuse the audience with different fonts. We also wanted to portray the same meanings and ideas and these could have changed if we was the use different fonts and colours.
In comparison, we see a scene in '22 Jump Street' displaying the title for '22 Jump Street' in bold red and blue font which is eye catching, appealing and striking towards the audience. It also clearly distinguishes when the clip from '21 Jump Street' has finished and '22 Jump Street' is going to begin. However, this is the only opening credit we see come up before the '22 Jump Street' starts. This creates a difference between our film and a real published film as they have displayed their credits at the end instead of at the beginning; as seen below:
This shows we have challenged a real film's idea by putting ours at the beginning. I feel putting opening credits starts the film off well by outlining the main characters and the other characters. The font and style at the end is white bold with all capitals. This contrasts to our opening credits which are colourful and have a font which represents our genre.
In the seventh screenshot, we see a scene from 'The New Kid On The Block' which features an indication for narration and storyline. This is indicated as we see both characters together doing the same mission:
Millie: She has found the memory stick and is discovering what is on the memory stick and why their boss wanted it.
Jordan: Is meant to be on look out, incase anyone comes and sees what theyre doing. However, Jordan is representing further how he is an amateur as he is distracted by the displays within the museum. A real spy would be more concerned on the people who could see them, whereas Jordan is not bothered as he doesnt understand.
In comparison, we see a scene from '22 Jump Street' showing an indication for narration and storyline. This is indicated as the main characters are arresting and questioning a man. The audience will see the job role of the main characters as they are both protecting the public by arresting and questioning suspicious or dangerous public members.
In the eighth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the two main characters. In a film opening you have to make sure you show and outline the two main characters so the audience will know who the narrative and storyline is about. They will also find out what characters will be the leading people in the narrative and storyline. Within the opening scene, you can tell these are the two main characters as they are featured within every scene and focused on furtherly. Within 'The New Kid On The Block', you also only see two characters throughout the whole film; indicating further that these are the two main characters. I chose this screenshot as the two main characters; Millie and Jordan are clearly seen with no obstacles obstructing the audience from seeing them. This is also the first full length screenshot where you can see the characters.
In comparison, in '22 Jump Street', they also outline the two main male characters. In a film opening, you have to make sure you show and outline the two main characters so the audience will know who the narrative and story-line is about. In the film opening of '22 Jump Street', the two main characters are clearly present and outlined as they are within all the scenes in the film opening. I chose this screenshot of the film opening as the two main characters are clearly seen with no obstacles obstructing the audience from seeing them.
In the nineth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' displaying one of the special FX's we used. The scene shows a security camera, portraying the idea that we had got footage for the film from a security camera. The security camera effect is a visual illusion as it makes the audience believe they are watching real security camera footage.
In comparison, in '22 Jump Street', we see a scene displaying the special FX of fire within the background of a scene. This is a special FX as they add in the non-digetic sound of a fire and portray it as a dangerous and destructive fire.
In conclusion, the film opening of '22 Jump Street' shows qualities similar to our film opening, however there is a great difference between our film opening and the film opening I have analysed. '22 Jump Street''s film opening shows a clip from the previous film made '21 Jump Street'; whereas, our film is the only one made with that story. This means we havent got any previous films so there wasnt a film we could have put to show the storyline of a first film.'22 Jump Street' is also a continuation of '21 Jump Street' which is why they put it before they started the film to lay out for the audience what was the previous storyline/narrative.
Film 2:
The New Kid On The Block:
The Spy Who Loved Me:
Above shows 9 screenshots of the key parts of the film opening in which we had to include to meet the requirements of a real 'Spy Comedy' film.
In the first screenshot we see the title of the film 'The New Kid On The Block' being the first opening credit which straight away attracts the audience to the film with the bright and vibrant green font. We chose to have the font of 'The New Kid On The Block' as green as its a striking colour and is associated with spies and secret agents. The colour green symolises life and renewal, etc.
Life: how the secret agents are saving lives.
Renewal: Millie renewing her career as a spy.
In comparison, in the first screenshot of 'The Spy Who Loved Me', we see a scene showing the title of the film. Showing the title before any of the scenes in the actual film, makes the audience feel reassured they are watching the right film and makes them straight away feel like they want to watch more by the bold essence of the titles font. The title of 'The Spy Who Loved Me' is white in colour and has a bold style which is extremely striking and imprinting on the audience. The colour white symbolises peace, light and innocence, etc.
Peace: Throughout the opening scene we see the American flag which further symbolises peace as it could represent army and represents the power the country has upon citizens.
Light: Light is shown through the film opening through how the scenes are extremely bright and striking, making the audience feel comfortable. Light is also obviously shown through the scene with 'as Ian Fleming's JAMES BOND 007 in' as a strobe light is aimed at the main characters, representing higher power and superiority.
Innocence: Innocence is shown in the film opening as through the scene showing the women and the man; the women is seen as innocent and lower class compared to a male.
In the second screenshot we see the settings being introduced to the audience through scenes.
In 'The New Kid On The Block', we see the main setting, Chelmsford Museum which is a grand and big location. It is introduced through the scene of Jordan walking to Millie after she recites that he needs to get to her now. In this shot we see a tracking shot of the front of Chelmsford Museum.
In comparison, in the second screenshot of 'The Spy Who Loved Me', we see the setting being introduced to the audience through a scene. Within the scene, we see the American flag which clearly shows how the film is set within America. By introducing the setting within the film opening, the audience straight away when the film begins gets a feel for the film and the context of which it was filmed in. The setting also could have inspired the film as, for example, the film could have been shot when a World War was occurring which would have drastically changed the context of the film.
In the third screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the two main characters costumes fully. I chose this screenshot as this was the first scene where you fully see both the characters costumes including their shoe choice. The characters costumes symbolise the genre and are both appropriate for the audience.
Millie: Millie is wearing all black to symbolise what a real spy would wear as she is trying to camouflage into her surroundings. Her costumes also represents the time of day we filmed as we shot at night so she could camouflage outside so she could be undercover. Her outfit also symbolises how she is a successful and clever spy.
Jordan: Jordan is wearing bright clothing and is symboling the binary opposites within Millie and Jordans personalities and outfits. Jordans outfit represents how he is an amateur at being a spy and isnt awfully clever.
We have challenged '22 Jump Street', as we have portrayed differences between the two characters uniforms, whereas '22 Jump Street', the two characters have the same outfits.
Life: how the secret agents are saving lives.
Renewal: Millie renewing her career as a spy.
In comparison, in the first screenshot of 'The Spy Who Loved Me', we see a scene showing the title of the film. Showing the title before any of the scenes in the actual film, makes the audience feel reassured they are watching the right film and makes them straight away feel like they want to watch more by the bold essence of the titles font. The title of 'The Spy Who Loved Me' is white in colour and has a bold style which is extremely striking and imprinting on the audience. The colour white symbolises peace, light and innocence, etc.
Peace: Throughout the opening scene we see the American flag which further symbolises peace as it could represent army and represents the power the country has upon citizens.
Light: Light is shown through the film opening through how the scenes are extremely bright and striking, making the audience feel comfortable. Light is also obviously shown through the scene with 'as Ian Fleming's JAMES BOND 007 in' as a strobe light is aimed at the main characters, representing higher power and superiority.
Innocence: Innocence is shown in the film opening as through the scene showing the women and the man; the women is seen as innocent and lower class compared to a male.
In the second screenshot we see the settings being introduced to the audience through scenes.
In 'The New Kid On The Block', we see the main setting, Chelmsford Museum which is a grand and big location. It is introduced through the scene of Jordan walking to Millie after she recites that he needs to get to her now. In this shot we see a tracking shot of the front of Chelmsford Museum.
In comparison, in the second screenshot of 'The Spy Who Loved Me', we see the setting being introduced to the audience through a scene. Within the scene, we see the American flag which clearly shows how the film is set within America. By introducing the setting within the film opening, the audience straight away when the film begins gets a feel for the film and the context of which it was filmed in. The setting also could have inspired the film as, for example, the film could have been shot when a World War was occurring which would have drastically changed the context of the film.
In the third screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the two main characters costumes fully. I chose this screenshot as this was the first scene where you fully see both the characters costumes including their shoe choice. The characters costumes symbolise the genre and are both appropriate for the audience.
Millie: Millie is wearing all black to symbolise what a real spy would wear as she is trying to camouflage into her surroundings. Her costumes also represents the time of day we filmed as we shot at night so she could camouflage outside so she could be undercover. Her outfit also symbolises how she is a successful and clever spy.
Jordan: Jordan is wearing bright clothing and is symboling the binary opposites within Millie and Jordans personalities and outfits. Jordans outfit represents how he is an amateur at being a spy and isnt awfully clever.
We have challenged '22 Jump Street', as we have portrayed differences between the two characters uniforms, whereas '22 Jump Street', the two characters have the same outfits.
In comparison, we see a scene in 'The Spy Who Loved Me' which shows the main male character's costume fully. I chose this screenshot as this was the first scene where you fully see both the characters costume including their shoe choice. The outfit of the main character symolises the genre and are appropriate for the audience.
Male character: The male character is wearing a suit, which straight away represents class and superiority. This is due to how he is straight away showing how wealthy he is.
In the fourth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the editing skills within our team. We see the character Jordan aiming his gun upon one of the displays in Chelmsford Museum. For obvious purposes we could not film Jordan shooting the display as we had artificial guns but we used good editing skills to portray this action instead.
In comparison, we see a scene in 'The Spy Who Loved Me' which shows the editing skills within the team which edited. This is because they have produced the scene to look like the characters are all blacked out with a red background. The army being in front of a red background may symbolise how the army/soldiers bring both the feelings of love and danger.
Love: Love can be symbolised through the scene as they are fighting for our country so they are loved by everyone for the job they do.
Danger: Danger can be symbolised through the scene as the soldiers within the scene are fighting for our country so they are in danger of being injured or killed.
In the fifth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing a suggestion of the genre. We get a suggestion for the genre as we see both main characters creeping around with slow movement holding guns in their hands for deference. By both the characters sneaking around we can tell the genre is spy as we would naturally see in a spy film featuring characters which sneak around and are trying to not direct attention from an audience. The guys also represent how they arent trying to attract an audience as they would shoot anyone who was trying to go against them or stop them doing their mission. This gives an indication for storyline as well as in 'The New Kid On The Block' an audience would be able to get a feel for how the characters are trying not to be seen so are probably on a mission.
In comparison, we see a scene from 'The Spy Who Loved Me' showing a suggestion of the genre. We get a suggestion for the genre as we see a male character aiming a gun at some soldiers. The audience straight away gets a feel for the genre as they accept the red background of the scene represents death through shooting. By the camera being shown in the scene we get a feel for the genre being spy as a character is sneeking around shooting. However, due to the male aiming the camera at good people; we feel that this contrasts to our film due to how 'The New Kid On The Block' had both the characters holding guns but not using them, and in 'The Spy Who Loved Me' the person is aiming his camera at a good character.
In the sixth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the font and style of the opening credits. The font and style represents spy as it is vibrant green with Digital font which represents the font you would see come up on a technology screen to outline the mission to spies. We chose to have the font of the opening credits as green as its a striking colour and is associated with spies and secret agents. The colour green symolises life and renewal, etc.
Life: how the secret agents are saving lives.
Renewal: Millie renewing her career as a spy.
The font and colour of the opening credits is the same as the titles as we decided we didnt want to confuse the audience with different fonts. We also wanted to portray the same meanings and ideas and these could have changed if we was the use different fonts and colours.
Life: how the secret agents are saving lives.
Renewal: Millie renewing her career as a spy.
The font and colour of the opening credits is the same as the titles as we decided we didnt want to confuse the audience with different fonts. We also wanted to portray the same meanings and ideas and these could have changed if we was the use different fonts and colours.
In comparison, we see a scene in 'The Spy Who Loved Me' showing the font and style of the opening credits. The font and style represents peace, light and innocence, etc.
Peace: Throughout the opening scene we see the American flag which further symbolises peace as it could represent army and represents the power the country has upon citizens.Light: Light is shown through the film opening through how the scenes are extremely bright and striking, making the audience feel comfortable. Light is also obviously shown through the scene with 'as Ian Fleming's JAMES BOND 007 in' as a strobe light is aimed at the main characters, representing higher power and superiority.
Innocence: Innocence is shown in the film opening as through the scene showing the women and the man; the women is seen as innocent and lower class compared to a male.
The font and style of the opening credits is striking and bold so the audience can clearly read them.
In the seventh screenshot, we see a scene from 'The New Kid On The Block' which features an indication for narration and storyline. This is indicated as we see both characters together doing the same mission:
Millie: She has found the memory stick and is discovering what is on the memory stick and why their boss wanted it.
Jordan: Is meant to be on look out, incase anyone comes and sees what theyre doing. However, Jordan is representing further how he is an amateur as he is distracted by the displays within the museum. A real spy would be more concerned on the people who could see them, whereas Jordan is not bothered as he doesnt understand.
In comparison, we see a scene from 'The Spy Who Loved Me' which features an indication for narration and storyline. This is indicated as we see the main character with writing explaining how he is James Bond. From how they have indicated he is James Bond, people who have watched the previous James Bond's would straight away now that the genre within the film is spy and that the film will be something to do with the previous films. This is different to our film as our film didn't have a first film so we have nothing to write to cue a memory of previous films similar to ours; as there isnt any.
In the eighth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the two main characters. In a film opening you have to make sure you show and outline the two main characters so the audience will know who the narrative and storyline is about. They will also find out what characters will be the leading people in the narrative and storyline. Within the opening scene, you can tell these are the two main characters as they are featured within every scene and focused on furtherly. Within 'The New Kid On The Block', you also only see two characters throughout the whole film; indicating further that these are the two main characters. I chose this screenshot as the two main characters; Millie and Jordan are clearly seen with no obstacles obstructing the audience from seeing them. This is also the first full length screenshot where you can see the characters.
In comparison, we see a scene in 'The Spy Who Loved Me' showing two characters which the audience have to believe will feature at some point in the film. In a film opening, you have to make sure you show and outline a main character or characters so the audience will know who the narrative and storyline is about. They will also find out what characters will be the leading people in the narrative and storyline. I chose to screenshot this scene as you can see two characters. However, throughout the film opening there is no clear indication for who the main characters are due to how there is multiple characters introduced throughout the opening scenes.
In the nineth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' displaying one of the special FX's we used. The scene shows a security camera, portraying the idea that we had got footage for the film from a security camera. The security camera effect is a visual illusion as it makes the audience believe they are watching real security camera footage.
In comparison, we see a scene in 'The Spy Who Loved Me' showing the special FX's used. The scene shows soldiers which are walking with a red background. The special FX's are shown through how the editor would have had to increase the concentration and maybe edit the filter/colour. They would also have to make the characters all black and the background a red colour.
In conclusion, the film opening of 'The Spy Who Loved Me' shows qualities similar to our film opening, however there is a great difference between our film opening and the film opening I have analysed. The film opening of 'The Spy Who Loved Me' doesnt clearly outline a narrative or storyline, whereas our film clearly does. You also dont clearly see the main characters throughout the film opening of 'The Spy Who Loved Me', however, through our film you see that the main characters are a female and a male.
Jordan: Is meant to be on look out, incase anyone comes and sees what theyre doing. However, Jordan is representing further how he is an amateur as he is distracted by the displays within the museum. A real spy would be more concerned on the people who could see them, whereas Jordan is not bothered as he doesnt understand.
In comparison, we see a scene from 'The Spy Who Loved Me' which features an indication for narration and storyline. This is indicated as we see the main character with writing explaining how he is James Bond. From how they have indicated he is James Bond, people who have watched the previous James Bond's would straight away now that the genre within the film is spy and that the film will be something to do with the previous films. This is different to our film as our film didn't have a first film so we have nothing to write to cue a memory of previous films similar to ours; as there isnt any.
In the eighth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' showing the two main characters. In a film opening you have to make sure you show and outline the two main characters so the audience will know who the narrative and storyline is about. They will also find out what characters will be the leading people in the narrative and storyline. Within the opening scene, you can tell these are the two main characters as they are featured within every scene and focused on furtherly. Within 'The New Kid On The Block', you also only see two characters throughout the whole film; indicating further that these are the two main characters. I chose this screenshot as the two main characters; Millie and Jordan are clearly seen with no obstacles obstructing the audience from seeing them. This is also the first full length screenshot where you can see the characters.
In comparison, we see a scene in 'The Spy Who Loved Me' showing two characters which the audience have to believe will feature at some point in the film. In a film opening, you have to make sure you show and outline a main character or characters so the audience will know who the narrative and storyline is about. They will also find out what characters will be the leading people in the narrative and storyline. I chose to screenshot this scene as you can see two characters. However, throughout the film opening there is no clear indication for who the main characters are due to how there is multiple characters introduced throughout the opening scenes.
In the nineth screenshot, we see a scene in 'The New Kid On The Block' displaying one of the special FX's we used. The scene shows a security camera, portraying the idea that we had got footage for the film from a security camera. The security camera effect is a visual illusion as it makes the audience believe they are watching real security camera footage.
In comparison, we see a scene in 'The Spy Who Loved Me' showing the special FX's used. The scene shows soldiers which are walking with a red background. The special FX's are shown through how the editor would have had to increase the concentration and maybe edit the filter/colour. They would also have to make the characters all black and the background a red colour.
In conclusion, the film opening of 'The Spy Who Loved Me' shows qualities similar to our film opening, however there is a great difference between our film opening and the film opening I have analysed. The film opening of 'The Spy Who Loved Me' doesnt clearly outline a narrative or storyline, whereas our film clearly does. You also dont clearly see the main characters throughout the film opening of 'The Spy Who Loved Me', however, through our film you see that the main characters are a female and a male.