Preliminary Task Evaluation

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This is my Emaze that I have created in order to tell you about how me and my group prepared and completed our preliminary task. It includes an introduction, what the task was and how we set out to achieve it. We then include a production diary, the tasks we did and how we did them. It gives a detailed summary of our day to day actions in the stages of completing our preliminary task. After we discuss the diary entries, we then show a video and voice over of our story boards and planning sheets. This will help the reader to understand our planning, description and images and our ideas that we set out to do. We then discuss the risk assessments and analyse the potential hazards and harm, as well as the reducing risk level to an acceptable level and how we could control these measures. We then discuss the shooting schedule and how we set out to organise each shooting scene, location, characters and props and equipment. We then include a self evaluation, answering a variety of questions about what we could do better and what we think went well. I then go on to analyse the teacher and peer assessments, averaging the comments and giving a general overall description of the feedback we received. It is then finished with the final video of our preliminary task and edited video of You For You, created by Megan Thomas, Jono Mooney and Chloe O'Hare.