Punchin' Film Presentation

Film Pitch Presentation

First we got put into groups, then we randomly selected a genre and audience to make a pitch for out of the hat . We ended up with a 'romantic comedy' and the audience 'teenage boys'. In our film pitch, we spoke about the synopsis of the film, the characters and the actors we would like to play the roles, the location of the film, our target audience and how we altered the film to fit the target audience, our marketing ideas and our influences.

During our presentation, we were being peer assessed. Our classmates filled out a sheet of paper each, rating the different aspects of our film idea and giving comments on what we did well and how we could improve.

Some comments included:

"You have chosen and relevant and catchy film title"
"Interesting cast chosen to play each character - would need a very big budget"
"The narrative fits the genre well"
"The actors are perfect for their roles"
"Have included 'The Male Gaze' in order to appeal to their target audience, but the overall film may be more suited to girls"
"The film is different from other films of this genre"
"Could've included more visuals to make the presentation more fun to watch. Catered to the target audience"
"Not many enigma codes"
"Good range of advertising ideas"

Overall, I feel that our film idea was a success, even though there are improvements that could be made. I believe that our concept is different to other films and, with a bit more time and thought, we could have achieved a great film idea fitting the genre of Romantic Comedy and for the target audience of teenage boys.