
In today's lesson the focus was representation in the media. We learnt about how characters, events and ideas are portrayed to the audience to make them feel a certain way. This is done by presenting different aspects of the media stereo typically.

The way in which people, events and ideas are presented to the audience. In terms of Media, representation is how the media takes something that is already there and represents it to us in the way that they choose, to make their audience feel a certain way about particular characters or themes. These representations are created by the producers of the film and the people who choose to present us with this are Gatekeepers. A Gatekeeper is any person involved in a media production with the power to make a decision about what the audience can hear, see, read and what they cannot see, hear or read.

Used in media because audience will instantly understand them. Stereotypes can also be referred to as 'Visual Short Cuts' to help understand the concept.

 'Ultimate Stereotype'. An example of an ultimate stereotype is a 'blonde bimbo typically in stilettos and well groomed with no common sense.

Counter type
A counter type is a representation that challenges traditional stereotypical associations, groups, people and places.

An example of a stereotypical French man vs an actual French man

Another example of stereotypical judgement are Arabic men. Below is a picture of an Arabic man vs a stereotypical portrayal of an Arabic