Juno Evaluation

Evaluation of Juno

Our Juno shot was successful in my eyes, we worked well as a team and everyone had a job, we managed to note down everything on our storyboard that we needed to apart from a few minor details. We missed details such as the hand that Juno holds the orange juice in and the way she walks the wrong way down the alley. We were able to fix the fact that she walks the wrong way down the alley by adding the horizontal flip to the video, this means its almost like looking at it in  the mirror and it will be done the opposite way. We used this so we can get Juno walking from left to right in the wrongly shot footage to her walking right to left. This means it was like the original.  Another problem we had was the fact at some points we missed some of the actions Juno made. These included taking a sip of orange when she was walking. It didn't have a major effect to on the final production it just meant that we were missing little details. 

Our story board was as accurate as we could of hoped for. We didn't seem to miss any shots and we had the right camera angles in every shot. I will go into more detail in the story board section below this evaluation.

Within the group there was a many different strengths. Each person had a different strength, Alex worked the camera in this production and he offered many different skills to get the perfect shots and at the best quality. Millie managed to act superbly well and this meant we could have a serious actor to try and fit the character of Juno as well as possible. Spencer was a late addition to the group. As we had 4 people in our group it meant that not everyone had to do things at the same time. It would mean that one person is free to do any jobs that needed doing. For example when we got to the location to film it we realised that there was not SD card in the camera so Spencer had to run back to class to get one. My job within the group was to make sure everything that we needed was there, for example I had to go and get a guitar as we needed it as a prop. I also had to make sure that no one would interrupt the filming. 

We managed to get all the footage needed, we got quite lucky with some shots. We managed to get the van driving in the background of one of the shots, this is brilliant as it shows that we are trying to get it as close to the actual production as possible. 

Whilst editing I learnt many skills, I learnt how to get the cartoon effect on the footage. I also learnt how to do complete a horizontal flip, this can come in hand when we miss shoot certain scenes. It means that we can get the actor walking the other way across the camera. 

Clearly we couldn't get it identical to the actual Juno scene but we had all the right shots but two, we didn't have the exact effect that they had on the editing part but we tried and it came out really well and it was a good shot at a replica.