Using Adobe Premier Pro for the first time

We got set a task to create two different videos on Adobe Premier Pro. One was animals dressed up in costumes dancing and the other was a montage of James Bond clips from different films. I started off with the dancing animals and as I had never used the software before I struggled to begin with, i couldn't grasp how to change the original footage. I struggled with making the time that the fade out at the end of the required clip. I soon found out and realised that it was the same with every effect you made. In the effect window on the screen on the left you can play about with everything from the brightness to the volume. There is so many different options to pick from and customize your edit its amazing. In the future I hope to develop my skills and be able to know most of the effects and what goes best with what. I would also like to learn some new skills as I am sure there are several that I am unaware of.