Genre Photo Task

This is the picture for War. To make it look like war we are laying on the ground acting dead or injured replicating soldiers fighting at war. With no other surroundings it looks like we are at war in a desolate waste ground. In this picture you cant see anyone's faces, we did this to emphasize the point that when you die at war your a nameless victim. 

This is the picture for Romance, to make it symbolize romance we have a couple looking into the future together, We have them standing in the centre of the picture to show that they are the main characters, they are in the forefront of the picture. From the picture you can see that they are comfortable together, we can see this by how close they are standing towards one another, however they are not touching. This may show that their is a flaw in there relationship and its not running smoothly. From the picture we can see that both Maisie and Jordan have their hands in their pockets, this can also indicate something is not quite right. 

This is the picture for Drama, In this picture we have Jordan walking out of a building and Evan hiding behind a wall ready to jump out of Jordan. Jordan is mid stride and doesn't see anything about to happen but Evan on the other hand has his intention set, to jump out on Jordan and maybe injure him or do something to him. Jordan looks comfortable with the situation at the moment but I am sure when he gets to the corner it will be a very different story. The definition for drama is 'a genre that depends mostly on in depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. From this picture I think we have covered the definition, both characters are realistic and there is a emotional theme for Evan to have to jump out on Jordan.

This is the picture for Adventure. In this picture we have Jordan jumping off a fence, In an adventure film you would expect some element of danger. the definition for the genre of Adventure is 'a genre of fiction in which an adventure, an exciting undertaking involving risk and physical danger, forms the main storyline. From this picture we can see that there is some element of danger in it with Jordan jumping off the fence, we are unsure if this is the main story line at this point.