- Codes:
- Action
- Symbolic
- Enigma - what questions are asked
Levi - Strauss
- Binary oppositions:
- Hero - Villain
- Black - White
- Urban - Rural
- Rich - Poor
- Good - Evil
- Female - Male
- Structure, how the film plays out
- Characters:
- Villain
- Donar
- Her father
- Dispatcher
- Princess
- False hero
- Helper
- Hero
Applying Barthes' Theory to The Prestige
1. Hermeneutic/Enigma Code
There are multiple questions that the audience ask when watching this clip of The Prestige. Below are an example of a few:
Who is the man?
Who is the little girl?
What does the bird trick have to do with the stage one?
Why is the man trapped inside a tank?
Who trapped him in the tank?
By creating an opening scene that gives no clues or answers into what is happening, the audience are automatically interested to find out the answers.
2. Proairetic/Action Code
The action in this opening scene instantly creates suspense and mystery for the audience. The action starts off slowly and builds up to an intense ending to the first scene in The Prestige. The scene starts off with two magic tricks happening in unison, and ends with both of them having very different outcomes. The bird in the first magic trick is freed and the man in the second magic trick is trapped. This is an example of binary opposites - the theory of Levi Strauss.
3. Semantic Code
There is a deeper meaning within the opening scene.
4. Symbolic Code
The props/symbols in the opening scene of The Prestige are the magician's hat at the very beginning of the clip (symbolising the theme within the whole film) and the bird (symbolising the freedom and limitlessness of magic/showing the contrast between freedom and captivity - as mentioned in the Proairetic/Action Code).